

Thursday 30 May 2013

Short story - The Queen's Ghost

See below a preview of my new short story, The Queen's Ghost.  This story was recently entered into a ghost story competition and I will be self publishing it soon!

Charlotte groaned as the alarm burst through her mind’s eye, drawing her firmly into the unwelcome present.  Her husband Dan reached over to switch it off, dropped a kiss onto her nose and leapt out of the bed into the shower.  As she nestled under the quilt once more, Charlotte wished she knew how Dan could be so raring to go in the morning.  Then again, he doesn’t suffer from nightmares, she thought.

Finally lifting herself off the mattress, Charlotte pulled her blonde ringlets out of her eyes and peered into the mirror.  What a sight, she murmured to herself.  I barely slept at all, and when I finally enjoy a peaceful sleep, it’s time to get up.
Dan padded back into the bedroom, rubbing his hair dry and eyeing his wife with concern.
“Nightmares again?” he asked, his kind eyes full of sympathy.

“Yes,” Charlotte assented sheepishly, not wanting to worry him.  She pushed away the images flashing before her eyes – the gated room, the wooden floor, the mysterious figure looming over her….
“Well, maybe you should sleep in this morning,” Dan suggested. 

“I can’t,” said Charlotte, pulling on her running clothes.  “There’s a staff meeting this afternoon and I need to do some reading before then, so I can report my progress to Professor Latimer.”

Dan wrapped his arms around her, forcing her to stop tying her shoelace.
“You work too hard, you know you do.  This is meant to be a sabbatical, why are you going into work?  I thought we might see more of each other whilst you wrote this book, but that’s not how it’s working out, is it?”

Charlotte instantly felt guilty, but she was prepared to stand her ground.  This book was important to her.  “You know what this book means to me,” she said, heading for the door.  “You know what Anne means to me.”
“It’s not worth the nightmares though is it?”  Dan shouted as she went downstairs and out the door.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Amazing news

I am delighted and humbled to announce that I'm a finalist in the national Women Inspiring Women Awards, in the 'Overcoming Adversity' category.  This means a lot to me; now it's down to the public vote and I need YOUR help!

Read my story, vote and share with your friends and family here

I feel it's important to share my story and spread hope and belief that bad health can be overcome.  We as humans can achieve great things, and I urge you to believe that - I know it to be true.

Friday 17 May 2013

Out and about!

Over the coming weeks I will be visiting several local events.  Here's what I'm up to in the coming days:

18th May - Teenage Cancer Trust coffee morning, St Mellon's Cardiff
                   Holisitc fair, Little Shop of Calm, Cowbridge

21st May - I AM WOMAN, Radisson Blu Hotel, Cardiff

No doubt I will blog about these events!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Simple but effective business advice

As a new business I am always on the lookout for tips from those who've been there themselves.  So I was so glad to come across Jenny Eaton's website and Twitter, and these nuggets are really true:!blog/c1hn2

It's amazing how sometimes straightforward and simple advice is the best - when it's so easy to get lost in jargon.  These are tips that really speak to people.

Celebrating success is key, but it's so easily forgotten.  When you are tied up in the intensity of your business, it's good to step back and reflect on the journey.  You've done so well to get here, so give yourself a break, breathe, and celebrate :-)

Monday 13 May 2013

A tribute

I don't think it would be right for me not to pay tribute to my beloved guinea pig Ruby, who died a couple of weeks ago after a short illness.

It was a day I had dreaded for five long years, but it was an opportunity to reflect on all the things Ruby has seen me through.  We see friends now and then, talk on the phone to our parents, but our pets are there everyday, a steady presence.  That's how it was for me anyway.  Ruby lived all over Wales with me, and whilst jobs, homes, friends, relationships came and went, she was always there, waiting for broccoli or sitting on my lap.  She was a dear little thing.

Thanks Rubes, and enjoy all the hay in piggie heaven.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Vintage wedding touches

I was lucky enough to attend a beautiful wedding at the weekend, with some lovely touches in the village hall during the reception.  Feast your eyes on these gorgeous blooms and vases, bird cages, bunting and cakes...

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Depict Depression Art Competition

I'm pleased to be able to tell you that I won 2nd prize for my poem in the Depict Depression Art Competition run by Alisha Nurse at .  This competition raised valuable funds for the Depression Alliance.  Here's my poem - I hope you enjoy reading it.

Darkness of Depression

In this poem I have used weather as a metaphor for how depression makes me feel.  I have tried to depict the loneliness, bleakness and intense symptoms of the illness.


The wind whistling through my mind.

Thunder cracking in my ears.

Lightning piercing my eyes.

Is it my destiny to go through this



Snow clogging up my brain.

Rain lashing on my face.

Hail scraping my ears.

How will I find the strength to



Sleet creeping down my neck.

Drizzle misting up my eyes.

Fog steaming up my mind.

Looking for a way out of the

Hell inside my head.

I won a WH Smith gift card and a gorgeous gift set.  I've been really inspired by this to continue writing and also to continue raising awareness of depression.  Thanks to Alisha for organising the competition.

Monday 6 May 2013

Visit to Roath Park

It's been a beautiful day, and a lovely walk around Roath Park lake...

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Louise Roe for Stylistpick

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new collection from Louise Roe, especially the Tallulah shoes... Join me in swooning ladies...

These are so versatile - perfect for an afternoon in the pub if you feel a bit dressy, or for a big night out.  They'll look amazing with tanned legs!  So get out your minis and shorts.  Or alternatively, they'll look great with jeans or printed trousers.

Keep makeup and accessories to a minimum though, let the shoes do the talking!

See more at:
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