

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Depict Depression Art Competition

I'm pleased to be able to tell you that I won 2nd prize for my poem in the Depict Depression Art Competition run by Alisha Nurse at .  This competition raised valuable funds for the Depression Alliance.  Here's my poem - I hope you enjoy reading it.

Darkness of Depression

In this poem I have used weather as a metaphor for how depression makes me feel.  I have tried to depict the loneliness, bleakness and intense symptoms of the illness.


The wind whistling through my mind.

Thunder cracking in my ears.

Lightning piercing my eyes.

Is it my destiny to go through this



Snow clogging up my brain.

Rain lashing on my face.

Hail scraping my ears.

How will I find the strength to



Sleet creeping down my neck.

Drizzle misting up my eyes.

Fog steaming up my mind.

Looking for a way out of the

Hell inside my head.

I won a WH Smith gift card and a gorgeous gift set.  I've been really inspired by this to continue writing and also to continue raising awareness of depression.  Thanks to Alisha for organising the competition.


Tamaya Garner Sculptor said...

very insightful poem . yes keep writing :)

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