

Tuesday 25 June 2013

An introduction to Ellie's Fund - Brain Tumour Trust

Today it is my absolute pleasure to share with you this article about a very special cause and a very special lady and her beautiful daughter....
Ellie's Fund - Brain Tumour Trust was set up after the death of 14 year old Ellie Othick-Bowmaker.

At just 11 years old, Scarborough girl Ellie was diagnosed with a grade 4 Glioblastoma, an aggressive brain tumour, and expected to live no more than 6 months. Ellie fought for 3 years, and during that time raised over £25 000, which she donated to charities close to her heart. She inspired many people to join in. Sadly, Ellie’s battle ended in February 2010.

We always knew that the fundraising would continue. It did almost straightaway, and a few months later Shaun Tymon and Tina Boden approached Ellie’s mum Heather and her husband Jason to offer their help. Tina, Jason and Shaun are now Trustees and Heather is Chair of the charity.

Ellie’s Fund - Brain Tumour Trust recognises that life is turned completely upside down when you or a family member is diagnosed with a brain tumour, and whilst we would like to offer a complete support package, we are only a small charity. We decided that our efforts would be best put to supporting the brain tumour research laboratory in Leeds; the Leeds Institute for Molecular Medicine, which was opened in February 2011, and to supporting children across Yorkshire and Humberside who are going through treatment for a brain tumour, as well as working to increase brain tumour awareness. If you would like to know more about what we do our website address is

Since March 2010 Ellie’s Fund Brain Tumour Trust has raised over £110 000. From this we have sent grants to 31 children from across the whole of Yorkshire, including Scarborough, York, Malton, Kirkbymoorside, Harrogate, Leeds, Bradford & Sheffield, and have sent nearly £40 000 to the research lab and £2400 towards the cost of refurbishing the children's neurosurgical ward at Leeds General Infirmary.

If you’d like to help improve the outcomes for brain tumour patients by organising your own fund-raising events, we would very much appreciate your support, and you can find a helpful fund-raiser’s pack on our website. Thanks so much for helping us to make a difference.

Did you know that:

  • Brain tumours are now the biggest cancer killer of children and people under 40 in the UK.

  • There are 16 000 new cases diagnosed every year. Of these, 85% will succumb within 5 years of diagnosis

  • Shockingly, 65% more women die from a brain tumour each year than from cervical cancer.

  • Brain tumour research receives less than 1% (0.7%) of cancer research spending in the UK

  • Adults and children who do survive are left with side effects that affect them for the rest of their lives.

‘We’, the brain tumour community, are asking MPs to discuss brain tumour funding in the House of Commons. There is a petition that you can sign to support us; started by the late Bill Tarmey aka Jack Duckworth from Coronation Street. His son has also been diagnosed with a brain tumour. We have until June 2013 to collect 100 000 signatures, and we might stand a chance of making a change to these statistics. So please do sign the petition and ask all your family and friends to as well. Thank you.

Friday 21 June 2013

Charity event in aid of Noah's Ark Children's Hospital Charity

To celebrate my nomination at the Women Inspiring Women Awards, I thought it would be a nice gesture to hold a charity event.  So on 25th July, in Village Kitchen Bar in Whitchurch, Cardiff, I will be hosting a drinks reception.

There will be jewellery, books and cards for sale, and a raffle with lovely prizes to be won.  The ticket price is £10.00 per person, which includes a drinks package.  I will be speaking about my time at the Awards ceremony, and my exciting writing and speaking plans...

For tickets and enquiries, please contact me on  Hope to see you there!

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Interview with Deborah Roberts Stylist

Here at Lilac Chic we love fashion, and today I have an interview with a fashion stylist, Deborah Roberts.  Here's her advice on looking fab next season...

What made you set up your own business?
Both my parents own their Businesses. I grew up surrounded by Business, our dining room table was the boardroom so I always knew I had choices from a very early age.

Who is your style icon?
Absolutely Sarah-Jessica Parker she's a true example of a woman with Style !

What are your tips for hot trends for AW13?
Has to be Dresses I am absolutely loving the fabric mixing coming through from soft fine silk to heavy suede and knitwear. Gone are the days of separate wardrobes for every occasion. Life is an occasion and we deserve to dress for it ladies so it's all about how to wear those dresses with the change of weather later in the year, lets be hot and practical it is possible!

Team a silk or satin dress, knitted cardigan belted at the waist with a wide leather belt. Have a great range of tights for these I'd buy from a specialist store rather than a general retailer, it will be a few pounds more and it will last much much longer for you to enjoy plus you'll avoid the irritated tight skin thing many of us have experienced.

Make sure you have some great leather or suede boots. This is absolutely worth investing in for the season they will work with many looks, dresses, skirts, jeans and leggings in your wardrobe.
If you buy high quality boots, personally I love the Italian designers, they will last much much longer over multiple seasons in all weather. Anything above £170 if you don't have the budget for this that's okay, lower price ones do last however they may start to leak in the rain as the glue dissolves on the sole, leading to soggy feet. In this case I would go for a wedged pair so that when the ground is cold or wet your feet stay dry and cosy. Fit flop are the best alternative to UGG. Similar price point however much better for your feet and back, tried and tested by the royal we of course! Again it's an investment piece and so so worth it long term.

Accessories with snoods this year make sure you have a couple you can double layer on the colder days and snoods are genius emergency hair protection if you get caught in un-expected rain.

Finally big earrings. Get some gorgeous and fab earrings to wear all day and all night these will look super hot under your wooly hats and you will feel so much shinier and smiley through the darker winter months.

Please feel free to post me your fashion questions on my FB page: Deborah Roberts Stylist. I would simply love to see pictures of your outfit creations and help you with any specific fashion dilemmas you may be experiencing in your wardrobes. Whatever you do enjoy it!

So let's get creative ladies!  I can't wait to try the snood trend.  Please share your outfit posts here and on Deborah's page.  Can't wait to see how you get on!

Monday 10 June 2013

Women Inspiring Women Awards

I had a truly remarkable weekend at a beautiful, and indeed life changing, event. The Women Inspiring Women Awards was everything I'd hoped for and more.

 It was such a delight to have been shortlisted for the awards, and to be there in person to be a part of the excitement.  The room was so feminine and light, I couldn't wait to get started.  Every nominee and winner had a unique and fabulous story, which filled me with va va voom!
 How amazing to be a part of a group of dynamic, inspiring women who make me feel I can achieve all my dreams... that is a truly priceless feeling.  I am riding on such a high ever since the awards, and this is going to profoundly affect my business and blog.  I can't wait for you to be a part of it.  The members of Damsels in Success (the sponsors of the awards) have led me to creative workshops, book writing courses, healthy lifestyle plans...but most of all, a community of feminine love and support.
I felt like a princess in this dress, and I plan to feel like that every day :-)

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Flash fiction - The lampshade

It had been staring down at her for weeks; a stark, all seeing eye in the ceiling.  Today, as she put the last of the dishes away, she instinctively knew she'd had enough.

As the key turned in the door, her body tensed in anticipation.  He strode into the kitchen, grinning - as though he deserved praise, she thought bitterly.  Seeing her scowl, he hesitated as he brandished the lampshade in front of her.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

Crossing her arms, her eyes went to the ceiling and the bald, staring light bulb.

"It's taken you a whole month to get a lampshade," she said.  "I'm not going to fawn all over you."

His shoulders slumped and he placed the lampshade on the table.

"Why are you being like this?  I did what you asked."

"Yes, a month later!" she spat, turning towards the door.  As she grasped the handle, she felt him exhale behind her.

"Nothing is ever right for you is it?  This isn't just about a bloody lampshade."

Tears sprang to her eys as she turned to face him once more.

"No, it isn't.  It's about you not supporting me, not appreciating me."  Her voice was thin, and tears glistened on her cheeks.  She waited for a response as she hugged herself tightly.

"You don't have to say anything else," he said quietly, and stalked out of the room.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


Yesterday I had an interesting chat which made me rethink the meaning of 'empowerment'.  To me it has always been a positive concept, but what if it isn't?  Does it imply that you need 'extra' outside tools in order to grow, when actually, you have all you need already inside yourself, and simply need to reconnect with the real you?

Monday 3 June 2013

A note on historical fiction

I am so excited about the BBC1 drama The White Queen which is being broadcast soon.  However I feel it's the right time to respond to critics of historical fiction and dramas such as these, as lots of historians and readers don't like playing around with historical facts.

As a lover of history and creative writing, I can see both sides of this.  On a personal level though, I'm grateful to the Cousin's War series for enlightening me about the Plantagenets - and from there I have gone on to read historical books about the era and the family.  Without the fiction, I would not have found the fact.

The lives of women throughout history are fascinating to me - Empress Matilda, Elaenor of Aquitaine, Anne Boleyn, Mary Queen of Scots.... the list goes on and on.  However, even whilst reading historical books on amazing women such as these, their stories are lost in records of war and the lives of men.  There are parts of their lives which are not recorded, which have been lost in the mists of time.  They did live 500 - 800 years ago after all!  This is where historical fiction comes into its own - it allows you to imagine these women, living their lives, and they are clear and bold and jump off the page.  It honours them; it does not seek to discredit them, and what could be better than that?

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