

Saturday 10 August 2013

40 x 40 Walk of Life Challenge

I signed up online for this challenge because I enjoy walking and wanted to encourage myself to do it every day.  It seems to be the easiest and simplest form of exercise to implement into daily life. 

Yesterday I went for a walk in the local park and enjoyed it.  It was nice to be in a green and leafy area and to be in a space, physically and mentally, away from a dreary, stuffy office.

If you think you'd enjoy a daily walk, here are my tips:

Do what you can
If walking is a whole new leisure pursuit for you, just do what you can.  Walk to the shop instead of drive. Get off the bus at an earlier stop.  Walk the stairs at work.  Then gradually, take a stroll around the local neighbourhood and work from there.

Wear comfortable shoes
I feel much more at ease in my pumps, rather than heels or sandals.

Don't let the weather hamper your efforts
If it looks like rain, take a quick walk around the block.  Wear a raincoat!

Record your efforts
Why not take photos to share with friends, or write a walking journal?


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