

Sunday 11 August 2013

Raw chocolate

As I work towards a healthier lifestyle, I have resolved to eat less sweet things.  But I have also decided to look for healthier alternatives.  I love chocolate, so I am now going to incorporate raw chocolate into my diet, so I can still get my fix and be healthy at the same time!

As I enjoy making and baking in my kitchen, I bought a kit to make my own raw chocolates.  The one I chose is from and includes organic raw cacao butter, organic raw cacao powder and Sweet Freedom, which is a low GL natural sweetener made from fruit.  These chocs would be naturally high in antioxidants, dairy free, gluten free, refined sugar free, soya free, egg free, additive free and guilt free!

Here is the kit itself, the butter melting and the chocs in their mould (purchased separately from the ingredients).  It's really simple to make the chocolate - simply melt the butter in a double bain, then blend in the sweetener and powder.

I am pleased to confirm the finished product was delicious!  I am so glad that I can still include chocolate in my diet.  I still have plenty of cacao powder left to use to make hot chocolate :-)


Unknown said...

looks delicious... love chocolate :)

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