

Friday 8 February 2013

Daily glamour

This morning as I was choosing my outfit, I decided to wear one of my favourite necklaces, which I normally keep for nights out as it is a bit of bling!  But this morning I thought, why not wear it now?

As I work from home my day-to-day outfits are quite casual and based on comfort - but this sometimes means I miss out on wearing some really fun pieces.  Is there really a point in keeping things for best?

Today, wearing my glam necklace has put a smile on my face.  So from now on, if I want to wear a favourite item, I will.  If I feel a bright lipstick will cheer me up, I will put it on.  And if a spray of Gucci perfume is what I need, I will spritz away!

Go on, add some daily glamour to your life...


EmilyJane said...

Dwi o hyd yn safio petha "for best" a byth yn gwysgo nhw! Dwi'n licio'r syniad yma! :)

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