

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Book reviews

Time to share another passion of mine with you.... I love reading, so here are a few reviews of books I have read over the past few months.

Let me know if you have any recommendations, or let me know what you are reading at the moment?

Meet Mr Mulliner - P. G. Wodehouse

Ah, the joys of P.G. Wodehouse. It is often said by Wodehouse aficionados that they envy those who have not read any of his novels or short stories – because they have it all ahead of them to relish and enjoy.

‘Meet Mr Mulliner’ is a collection of short stories narrated by Mr Mulliner, the resident storyteller of the Angler’s Rest public house. Over a hot scotch, Mr Mulliner regales his audience with outrageous tales of the scrapes of his various family members.

My favourite story was ‘The Bishop’s Move’ which will leave you laughing out loud and will change your view of the clergy! Wodehouse’s mastery of the English language is nothing short of sublime. I turn to Wodehouse when I want an escape from daily life, into a world where nothing bad ever happens, and this book is ideal for that.

Things Get Better - Katie Piper

Recently I finished reading Katie Piper’s ‘Things Get Better’. I’ve not read her autobiography or seen her television series, but nevertheless I had heard about her courageous story – she was raped and had acid thrown in her face by a man she was dating, and has overcome surgery and the trial of her attacker to set up a charity to support those affected by scarring and disfigurement.

Katie is a very inspiring woman and one lots of people look to for inspiration, so it is not a surprise that she wrote a self help book to guide others through misfortune. Personally I have had a few troubles recently, and it seemed natural to turn to her book for support. It is refreshing to read a book of this kind not by a psychologist or a doctor, but by someone who has been throug so much and come through the other side so successfully.

‘Things Get Better’ is not a book purely for those who have gone through something as traumatic as Katie; it is suitable for more everyday problems, such as dealing with a relationship breakdown or the death of a loved one, or even dealing with work stress or low self esteem. Katie believes in not judging other peeple’s problems and I can readily appreciate how she was approached to write this book.

Her voice comes through loud and clear as she guides you step by step through a healing process, providing details of charities and organisations who can support you. There is no hyperbole or medical terms, just good advice from a friend who has been there too.

The overriding message of the book is if Katie can do it, so can you – and it will get better. I have been through some tough situations in my life but I feel empowered by Katie’s message that we can all as human beings get through anything, and it is something I genuinely believe.

This is a book I will be returning to and I’m looking forward to reading her latest book, which came out hot on the heels of ‘Things Get Better’ – ‘Start Your Day with Katie’.

The Italian Matchmaker - Santa Montefiore

I finished reading this charming book a couple of days ago, and once again I’m pleased to say that I have found another new author with several books for me to enjoy.

‘The Italian Matchmaker’ is a love story set mainly in the (unfortunately!) fictional Italian village of Incantellaria on the Amalfi coast. I have never been to Italy but having read this book, I would love to visit. Italy is portrayed as sun drenched and beautiful, and reading about it of a cold, wet British evening really increased my desire to go there one day. The palazzo and its fabulous history was fascinating and Valentina’s character echoes down the years and leaps out of the page.

I was expecting the story to include more ghosts and while the spiritual element may repel some potential readers, it didn’t overwhelm the story and helped drive the plot. Neither Luca or Cosima were particularly interesting characters to me; they seemed rather one-dimensional and the speed of their relationship rather surprised me. I do believe that love after death exists; just because we lose someone, it doesn’t mean we stop loving them, or that we stop feeling that they loved us. I don’t want to reveal too much about the plot but no one falls in love with a ghost!

So now I can explore and enjoy Santa’s other compelling stories, I predict lots of fun ahead.

The Secrets Between Us - Louise Douglas

Reminiscent of ‘Rebecca’ by Daphne du Maurier, this is a book that is very much gothic in its theme. Sarah meets Alex and his son Jamie on holiday in Sicily, and after an intimate encounter agrees to become his housekeeper. Sarah has recently experienced heartbreak of her own, and Alex offers a new life away from that. However, Alex has a dark past of his own – his beautiful and vivacious wife is missing, and everyone thinks he has something to do with it….

The plot moves quickly, and within a few chapters I was caught up in Sarah’s feelings for Alex, her love for Jamie, and her interest in the enigmatic ex, Genevieve. As the story goes on, secrets are revealed tantalisingly one by one, leading to a climax at the end of the book.

My favourite character is Genevieve. I found it hard to like Alex, he seems too brooding and withdrawn – having initially seduced Sarah, he then ignores her. But Genevieve’s intrigue lies in that she is never in a scene, but features only in memories, objects and emails. She is adored by all who knew her, but as the tale unravels her darker side and character flaws emerge, her ghostly presence proving to be Sarah’s salvation at the end of the novel. She must have been a dream to write!

I found Louise’s background to be inspiring as well – she still has her day job and writes her books at the kitchen table in the evening. It makes me feel like giving it a go myself! I can’t wait to read her other novels, it is always so exciting finding a new author whose books you love, and I’m also going to be putting more gothic novels on my reading list, Daphne du Maurier in particular.


EmilyJane said...

Some of my favorite books:
The time traveler's wife - Audrey Niffeneger
The secret History - Donna Tartt
if nobody speaks of remarkable things - Jon McGregor
The book thief - Markus Zusak
The poisonwood bible - Barbara Kingslover

Let me know if you read any of them and what you think! :)

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