

Monday 4 March 2013

It's March - time to assess my 2013 goals

By now apparently most people's new year's resolutions are long forgotten, so I though I'd go back and look at mine, to examine if I'm making progress.

Set up my own business – I’m taking an event diploma course at the moment, and building contacts and researching the market. I’m happy with my progress and I’m constantly getting new ideas.

Get out, meet people, enjoy - I feel I’ve been quite social of late, meeting friends and new people and generally enjoying Cardiff.

Do more cooking and baking – This week I’m baking cookies and trying out a new risotto recipe. I have lots of yummy supplies in my cupboard ready to bake

Sort out my crafting – This week I’m selling my handmade cards for charity, which is exciting. But what I’m most happy about is taking a jewellery making class and making further jewellery projects.

So I don't think I'm doing badly at all!  What about you?


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