

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Healthy lifestyle

Now that the sun is shining I can think more clearly about healthy living, and getting outside and walking rather than just dashing from car to building in the freezing cold!

Last year, before the cold set in, I had quite a good walking routine going, which has gone out of the window due to moving house and the cold weather.  However, now the evenings are lighter, I'm able to start again, and explore the new area around where I live.  Also, I'm making a concerted effort to do pilates and yoga in the house, or a dance DVD, depending on my mood.  We have a nice sized garden so I'm planning on doing some skipping out there, and taking a trip to the local swimming pool.  At work, I take the stairs (4 flights) and walk during my break or lunch time.

I'm trying to eat more fruit and veg, although I do get the munchies at work most days.  But I'm trying to reach for a banana rather than a biscuit!

On an emotional side, I do get stressed easily so I'm trying to bring calm into my life by learning relaxation techniques and by getting plenty of sleep. 

What are your tips for healthier living?


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