

Thursday 21 March 2013

Behind the blog - meet Llinos

Where do you live and work?
Home is the wonderful city of Cardiff.  Originally I am from Anglesey, so I am a long way away from there these days!  I do love living in Cardiff though, and I want to connect with people from all over Wales, the South West and beyond via my blog.

Why did you start blogging?
After reading so many great blogs by other young women, I really did think, why not me?  I'm really happy with my blog and I have connected with and met some really nice people through it, although I am still new to blogging.

My blog is a creative outlet for me - I have a lot of interests and my blog is a great way to share these others or simply document my latest projects.  I promote it on Facebook and Twitter but most of all I enjoy contacting other crafters or businesses to say, I love your product!

What is really exciting though is that my blog is a central part of the events company I am setting up, which launches this summer, so watch this space!

What are your interests?
I have so many!  The main ones are featured on my blog - crafting, baking, vintage... I also LOVE reading magazines for fashion and crafting inspiration, and reading novels and history books.  I do a lot of charity work so I enjoy planning fundraising events and doing things like abseiling for a good cause, as you can see above!

I am interested in business and entrepreneurship too, which is why I want to set up my own business.  I also enjoy writing and I hope to share poems and stories with you soon.  

What is your life's philosophy?
Do what you love.  It makes for a happy life and a fulfilled soul :-)

What is your dream job?
Running my own events company - which I will be doing soon!


Side Street Style said...

Wow what a great introduction, I love interviews - you get to learn a lot more about the person. Loving your blog from a fellow Cardiff based blogger

Laura x

Unknown said...

Thanks Laura, stay tuned! x

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